Pictowall has over 15 million images to choose from in our wallpaper collections, these are organised in categories such as City wallpaper murals including wallpaper murals of London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong and more. If Cities aren’t your choice, we have a selection of texture wallpaper murals such as concrete wallpaper murals and brick pattern wallpaper, to name a few.

As easy as 1,2,3…

Create your wallpaper in 3 easy steps, first of all, select your image – whether that is choosing from one of our collections, or uploading your own image. All that follows is to enter your wall size and payment info, and we will do the rest!

Wallpaper murals with free UK delivery…

All of our wallpapers come with free UK delivery. As this is a custom printed product, it is designed completely from scratch to fit your wall, so wallpaper will take 7 days from approval to delivery.